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How do I watch ENC church services online?
Go to our YouTube Channel and click the "Subscribe" button.
Next to "Subscribe," tap the Notification bell.
Choose from "All," "Personalized," or "None," to set up when you'd like to get direct notifications from our YouTube channel of new videos or when services are live.
If you're watching live from home, use your smart TV or other device to go to our Youtube Channel and tune in live.
If you're looking for a past livestream, go to our YouTube Channel and search under the "Live" category for the week you want to view.
Thank you to our weekly Production Team for serving in this vital way.
Would you like to volunteer as a slide operator, camera operator or sound tech? Let us know on the homepage's contact form or at church.
Photo & Video Notice
By attending any ENC service, event or gathering, you are acknowledging that photos, videos and audio of you and/or your children may be used for media purposes. This may include our website, email, social media and printed publications.
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