
"...Upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it."
-Matthew 16:18
We are grateful to Jesus for His Shepherding and lovingkindness toward us. Our desire is to love Jesus and bring Him to those around us, making disciples. You're invited to join us as we celebrate what the Lord has done through this milestone anniversary, building an altar of thanksgiving, praise and glory to the King of Kings and looking to Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our Faith, as we move forward.
Thank you for being part of what Jesus is doing through ENC. We love our church family and partners.
We are honored to have special guests ministers, friends and partners of ours, come from near and far to join us. Let's be praying over them and be ready to receive them all with honor, warmth and generosity in the name of the Lord, as they add their blessing to this milestone celebration.
Eagles Nest Church
14485 W Hampton Rd
Brookfield, WI 53005


To learn more about Sunday services at ENC, including information on pre-service prayer, visit our Services page. Please visit our Flight School Kids page to learn more about our children's ministry and to pre-register your child for this special service. Registration for children's ministry is required and closes at 10:45 am every Sunday.